Thursday, February 5, 2009


So recently I commented (whined) about how I know I need exercise, but it is cold outside, and I get home and I'm blah. I don't have a gym membership so I can't workout indoors. Well, that is all well in good if I didn't have 8 gazillion workout DVDs.

For instance, I got into yoga for a while, but the stupid video nearly killed me. My sister loves Richard Simmons, but I can't bear him, so I got Kathy Smith which I figure is close. For a while, I got into the hard core kickboxing. That Billy Blanks, he's a beast. That was cool, and I got very buff. You can't beat a good cardio bootcamp for sweat production. I bought the Hip Hop Abs last year, but I never actually did it. I'm pretty sure that I've never done the dance party either. So, I own a lot of exercise videos, there you have it. I really have no excuse. I could start coming home and immediately doing a different video each night. Tomorrow I have a datearooni, so maybe I'll start Saturday or Sunday.

photos courtesy of Amazon.

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