Saturday, July 5, 2008

Getting Culture

So Thursday night my neighbor Linda and I went to Thursday nights Free at the Nasher Sculpture Garden. As always when you want company and the activity is free - I'm your girl. If you ever get the chance, you should check the sculpture garden out. Some cool stuff there. My favorite is the pole with people climbing up it. The irony is that we went to talk movies with Gary Cogill (which some of you may know is my neighbor.) It was fun and funny. Fun because he reminded me of an awful lot of movies I really want to see (Wall E, Kung Fu Panda, Borat, Wanted, Kingdom, SuperBad) but have not because of the Real Estate Book grrr. And Funny cause there are some uber movie geeks in the world showing up to talk movies with Gary.

When we left, we went back to Linda's car to discover that a huge SUV was parked beside us. Please review the parking job. Seriously, what kind of jackass parks that way? Please note the license plate: 033SNW. If you see this vehicle or the driver, kick them (car and driver).

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