Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Country vs Nebraska

Alright, so I've had some dates.

And in case I haven't mentioned it. Dating is a beating. A total beating.

So, went out with a guy, henceforth to be called Country. Nice guy, from Mesquite, computer programmer. Good sense of humor. Just got out of a 20plus year marriage...literally JUST.

Then two nights later I went out with another guy, Nebraska. Good sense of humor. Just got out of a 20plus year marriage...only this guy has 4 kids. (youngest is 18). Yikes.

I have a stronger reaction to Nebraska, and we really had a great conversation on our date. He's been divorced for a couple of years. That's good. Country is ...attentive. He has sent text messages, and he seems very sweet. I don't have as strong of a reaction, but he's nice looking and maybe he'll grow on me, like mold or ivy or something.

So, I'm thinking, I really like both guys. They have potential. I'll take is slowly with both and see what happens.

Then tonight I had a second date with Country. We went to a movie. Early. Done by 6...he walked me to my car (not sure if he wanted to ask me to dinner, or what but I know he wanted to kiss me but didn't. Slightly awkward but not terrible. Man hasn't dated in 20 yrs haha)

Then he sent a text, very sweet, saying he wanted to kiss me, but whatever) then he left me a message, then he emailed me. In the email he confessed how much he liked me and how did I feel... wait a minute. Isn't that the crap girls pull???? It's the second date. Geez. So, I sent him a message back and said I liked him but I thought going very, very slowly would be wise in this situation.

But now, now I don't want to go out with him again. Damn it.

Freaking Nebraska had better ask me out again. That's all I'm saying.

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