Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It's been a long week

The fact it is only Tuesday doesn't help anything. It's nice that I can forget how horridly busy this time of year is.

I'm still sleeping on the floor. Not having fun. I haven't been waking in a timely fashion lately, so I am running around feeling behind all day. Exams start Thursday. As it turns out, I have to go to an all day conference on TAKS essays Thursday. Ugh. I'd rather be at school.

Yesterday and today I got home and was able to go walking with my neighbor Emily. Luckily the weather has been comfortable enough that we were able to have very nice walks.

I met with the boys today. We had to change the dates on the deadlines. Since we haven't even signed the contracts, and I haven't been given the list of people to even start contacting the odds of getting 1/4 of the book done by Jan 1 are slim.

The house remains a disaster. Yup. That pretty much covers my world. Back to the grindstone.

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