Monday, October 22, 2007

More with Dave and Darlene

Friday afternoon I come rushing home to feed the dogs etc before heading back to school to work the football game. I was on the phone to MaryBeth and ready to jam gears when I see Dave behind my car. I admit it, I thought for a moment, I know how to end this conflict; just a tap on the gas and no more Dave. But I didn't. So he comes around to the driver's side, I roll the window down and he begins his awe shucks routine.

"Gee yesterday morning your dogs they woke us up when they barked really early, was that a mistake?"

I have two answers I desperately want to give to this. 1) That is the stupidest question I have been asked in a very long time and 2) mistake? hell no, that took 4 months of training and several thousand dollars to get her to bark just that way facing just the right direction to get maximum volume and annoyance out of her. How'd we do?

Instead I just looked at him and said, "Thank you." It startled him a little but then he went on to try to say more. So I said, "Thank you." again and then told him I had to go. I rolled up the window and drove out of the driveway. The look on his face was priceless. He was totally flummoxed. I still laugh thinking about it.

I have just decided there is no point in entertaining any type of conversation about the dogs. Yes, I know that dogs barking at the crack of dawn is annoying. I agree. That is why I hop to when I hear them. They are actually getting better too I might add. They have gone out multiple mornings in the last couple of weeks without making any noise at all. It is not like there is any confusion about what they want to have happen. I know they want my dogs to never make any noise, I get that. It isn't like they hear anything I say on the matter because they are the king and queen of crazy town.

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