Saturday, October 14, 2006

You may call me a homeowner!

I can't believe it worked out. I missed the actual closing time, but I got a call saying the seller agreed to x and y, but it has to close and fund today. This would be a problem since the administration gets so bent out of shape when I leave the building ENTIRELY. I did manage to hunt someone down for coverage for part of my 6th period class, at which point I hauled ass to the title company.

I ran like a chicken with my head cut off the rest of the day. 6th and 7th were hopping. 8th was the usual insanity. I left right after school to go over to the house and get the keys from Mr. Johnson. Ran home let Eva out, changed shoes so my toes wouldn't get cold at the football game, back to school, finished what I was doing when I left, went downstairs to grab a hamburger for the cheerleader fundraiser dinner, poked my head in the volleyball match because Georgia one of my e-i-c's is a captain, headed over to the stadium for the football game, got home at almost 11pm.

Jon-David called and thought he would give me attitude about how many people I had called to tell about the house at some point. I pointed out that I hadn't called anyone. He tried to trip me up with a "well what did Fran say" and I swung back with "I haven't had time to talk to her yet." I got a small little "oh" in reply. Grrrrr

OK, I am heading to the dry cleaners in an effort to get the only skirt that even comes close to being ok for the homecoming dance cleaned before heading over to begin cleaning the house! Homecoming Dance is at 8. More Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Homeowner! Hurray!

    I'll keep you posted on travel plans. Looking like I'll be in your neck of the woods early in the week.
