It's a toss up folks. This has been a stressful week, and I can't decide what will be the thing to send me over the edge into the land of nervous breakdown. Will it be the 15 college recs I need to start writing? The reflexive essays I need to make myself grade? The numerous ripple effects of having a student take advantage of all the things I've done to make it easier to run the yearbook room while bending rules willy nilly? Perhaps the selling of my existence for a house I'm crazy for but we all know I probably shouldn't be buying? (Hush Mom) Maybe it will be the final days in the 500sq ft cave in which I've been living? So hard to tell.
The closing papers were sent to me yesterday afternoon after 4:30. I had just left school to go home, let Eva out and go walking with Ann. Mr Johnson calls me right after the title company lady and tells me I bring about 3,000 to closing. WHAT?
I get over to Ann's and since she's done a lot of mortgages lately, she was able to fairly easily look at the HUD with me and help me figure out the taxes are the problem. All along I've been told they would collect taxes from Mr. Johnson and they would come to my side of the account, so I wouldn't owe money at closing, but I would be responsible for the tax bill. The instructions for closing document from the mortgage companys says that the title company collects taxes from both of us, so not only was I missing his taxes I was owing an additional 1,000 for mine. That took up most of the night. At any rate, it was left with some poor lady at the mortgage company being told, "let me know. That is not what I agreed to and I don't have the money for that." We'll see if I really close at 11am or not. I was supposed to actually go over to my friend Burgundy's last night, and I was supposed to call Diane. Hard to remember to do things when you are in the middle of spazzing out.
For those who remember from last year, Spirit Week was a bit of a mess at HP because our seniors like to have a dress up day specially for the seniors that they lovingly call "Thug Day" didn't play out well in the press. It was rumored that the Penguin was the one that told the press. Thankfully, this year has been pretty calm.
My business manager went before the honor council yesterday, but I haven't heard what their suggesting was for the final outcome. I'll try to find Mr. Williams this morning for scoop. I spoke to all of my classes yesterday in general terms and tried to emphasize how interdependent we are and how much trust I put in them everyday. I'm not sure if it took, but I hope so.
Fun story, so a friend is out and about when she meets up with lady A that she knows. Lady A begins telling her about her child's English teacher and how mean the teacher is. Child needed to go to the bathroom, teacher told her no, child tramatized. At the beginning of the convo my friend says, "Oh yes, I know her, we're friends". Lady A continues talking. Friend says," Well, she was at my house for dinner last night, I'll ask her about it." Lady A finally realizes she's an idiot. . . and we hear it's a small world playing in the background. Just so you know, it was before class, and I told her she had better hurry and not be late. I'm not actually trying to cause the world's teen population to have bladder infections.
I spoke to Fran very early this morning. I knew she would be up because Valerie is coming by with baby Cecilia to say goodbye. They are heading back to Virginia. If you read this today, say a little prayer for Fran and company. She needs air hugs and love.
I think I have managed to take care of all the stuff that goes with moving. I was able to go online and sign up for electricity, gas, dish and an alarm system. (That may actually be a problem, since I don't have a landline. I am researching that). I have the 5 containers of all of my worldly possessions arriving Wed morning. When I'm cleaning on Saturday (hopefully), I plan to contemplate the world, the house and how to arrange the furniture.
I was talking to Jon-David the other night about what I've organized etc. I had arranged to get a U-Haul Wednesday night. He felt this was a poor plan. That perhaps I should focus on emptying the containers first then get the UHaul for Saturday and do that second. I don't care if he is right, he shouldn't upset me right before bed. Sigh. So, I went back and changed that.
I met with Mr. G and Mr. T this week. Who are they you ask? They are the gentlemen from the committee for the tabletop book. I am supposed to get a contract to them to peruse regarding my authorship of the book. Doesn't that sound cool? Elizabeth, the published author : ) Not just notes on the bathroom walls anymore.
Well, I'm sure I have left out all sorts of fun stories. My apologies for that. When I have internet in my home, it will make it much easier to keep everyone updated. So, for those of you that enjoy the blog, pray for the closing to work out!!
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