It's been quite some time since I last posted. I keep wanting to post, but then I don't. Why? I don't know. Perhaps I thought my life was boring. I'm pretty sure I've fixed that problem. Let me catch you up. Since I last wrote:
1. I have sold my house in Dallas (for a pretty penny which is still not enough!) without having a new house picked out. Turns out I could afford for me to have housing or the dogs to have housing, but not all of us. Currently, Dixie is at her grandparents, and Buddy, Jenny and Gracie are at Pappy's Pet Lodge, and I'm couch surfing.
2. I quit my job without actually having another job in play (Let's just say that is how bad it was at the old place.) Within a week it was like a HUGE weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Had things not happened the way they had, I would probably still be there which would be terrible. I knew how unhappy I had been for the last year, but I didn't appreciate it until I was gone. Know what I mean? In addition, I was dealing with some of the meanest, nastiest bully girls that I've ever dealt with. It truly made me sad that so few girls could make so many people around them miserable.
3. I decided to relocate back to Plano since my dad turned 80 this past New Year's Eve. If my kvetching of the last year each time I had to get on 635 to visit them was any indication then it is time for me to be closer to them.
So, I need to get a job, find a house, close on the house, move in and create a new life. See how the Emotional Defcon thing plays in? There's a lot of stress in my life at the moment and I'm doing the best I can with pharmaceuticals, but I gotta tell you, they can only do so much.
If you would like to keep up with the adventure... well, here is where you will do it.
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