Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I have a confession

I haven't washed my hair in a week. And it feels gross. Let me be clear. It. Feels. Gross. But I am so damn tired when I get home, that I don't have the energy to wash it. I'm going to wash it tonight. I really am. But at the moment I am sitting here dog tired, ready for bed. At the same time it has been weeks since I blogged, and it has really been bothering me. I think of things all of the time to write about, and then I'm too tired or too busy or I just freaking forget.

I was in NYC for a week with students on a journalism trip. I hate washing my hair in hotel showers for many reaons, but mostly because I never know if the water pressure will be enough to get the soap out of my hair. 

I got back and I have worked my ass off since. It is ridiculous to work 10 - 12 hours a day. In addition, my brother and his family came to town (a surprise visit if you ask me since my mom says she found out last week. whole nother story there.)  I went to the parentals last night.  

I need to get ahead of the long list of shit I have to do. I'm not sure of how I am going to do that, but I know I need to. That's the first step right? Ug. Not sure this weekend is going to do anything for helping me get ahead because I'm full up this weekend too, but maybe I can get something done. I don't know, say my taxes. dammit. 

Side note: the dogs are nuts. And they all want to touch me at night and to be honest they make it hard for me to sleep because they allow for NO movement. 

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