Alright, so I'm not doing all that well at blogging every day, but at least I'm thinking about it more and getting back into the swing of things. As such, I stopped this morning to think about my life as a blogger.
I started blogging April 19, 2006. So it's been a while. Pretty impressive. This is my 803 blog post... probably not that many if you average it over six years, but Lordy have I covered a lot of ground.
I've always wanted to be a journaler... but I was never very consistent. Turns out, blogging was more of my thing, so once I discovered journaling online, I became better about writing. And it is cathartic. It feels good to think about my life, my believes and my choices in the context of reflective ponderings. It's also a nice way to keep up with the big things that have happened.
I've lived in 6 places in 6 places in 6 years. Sold 3 houses. Had my heart broken a couple of times. Buried 5 pets (that doesn't sound very good for the pets, does it?!) Traveled to Japan, Europe at least 4 times, gone to the Virgin Islands and multiple destinations in the U.S.
I've overseen the completion of 5 yearbooks and written a coffee table book as I work on the 2nd edition of the coffee table book, another yearbook and a Centennial celebration book for the district.
I've made friends, lost friends, fought with friends and learned to be a better person because of my friends. I've had an online stalker for a couple of years who I very much hope has gotten her own life by now, but there is really no telling.
I've taught hundreds of students. Mostly girls. And I pray that I have done more good than harm. I hope I have taught them how to be strong independent women. How to stand up for themselves, how to ask questions, how to problem solve and to never quit.
Yep, time has been flying by. If my calculations are correct, I have about 10 years until I retire. Hard to imagine. Probably won't. What else would I do? So, here's to the future. Hope it is the ride that I've had so far. Cause it's been pretty damn good.
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