I mean it. I am exhausted. I had two dates with 10, but he has gone back to Lubbock, and I am confident that I will never hear from him again. What. A. Bummer.
I have been working on a project at school that is slowly sucking the life out of me. Ironically, I raised my hand and threw myself at this one. Oh, why, Oh, why, do I do these things.
At any rate, it is turning out to be a beating of a job. I thought that I could get the kids to do most of the work, but they did crappy jobs so I've had to take it back over and try to correct what they did. Blahhhh.
In the meantime, the principal sent an email out that a new dept has been created at good ole HP. Media, Information, Technology, (It makes me giggle every time I think about it being MIT, don't know why, I'm just goofy.) At any rate it is the 5 people in the technology dept, the librarians, the speech teacher and the journalism teachers . . . I'm not sure of what it means yet, but I'm pretty sure it means something.
I got my hair cut yesterday and to celebrate its fabulousness I got dinner and a drink at Kirby's. I celebrated my way to a guy next to me getting my number which would be fine, except I know he doesn't really have a shot and I don't want to go out with him and have it ruin a perfectly good bar setup. (You know, mean ass cosmos from my dear bartender, Tony) Besides I'm so cranky right now it would be a mistake to go out until I get better rested.
School gets out next Friday, so I am peddling as fast as I can to just make it to the end. Dear Lord, please, let me make it. Amen. That's all.
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