It was a heck of a day. I got up, dropped off some photos, picked up some photos, got a new battery for the phone, ran home and started working on the book. Kevin came over and we worked for about six hours on the book. He's going to come back tomorrow and help me out. Hoorah for Kevin.
I held the dogs off from walking for ages this afternoon, so by the time I was ready they were spastic. So I let them out the back door, and they yapped like idiots for a few minutes. As I am standing there waiting for them to calm down, I hear the door next door open and a voice hollar out, "Be quiet. You be quiet." Is he kidding? Seriously, what idiot thinks sticking his head out and yelling actually works? And if you know it doesn't work, then why stick your head out? Weirdo.
Tonight was Dr. Duke's Christmas party. It was my one and only social obligation of the season. It is always a good party. I got to see Dr. Katz who taught me a couple of classes when I was at UTD and Peggy a professor at quad C and I saw Erica a Spanish teacher at HP. Good times. Then back home to start laundry. (Always grounded in reality, that's me).
I love my new curtains by the way. I realize the tv room is a mess, but don't the curtains look fabulous? And the room really is warmer. Please note the lovely tv hanging on the wall. I don't know why the pictures place sideways some times, but also notice the adorable dog on the floor looking for love, and then eyeballing me through the front window. He is very funny. When I go out front, he sits and watches me quite carefully.
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