As you can guess, the last couple of days have been nuts. I chose to top it off with a migraine that started this morning.
I took my laptop, dual layer burner and video camera to HSM to meet with Darrell (one of the boys on The Book committee.) He got one of their tech guys to try to help me. Now, when I took the laptop it had been trying to convert a video file I downloaded for 2 hours (mind you it was a 50 minute recording). That took another hour, but it meant I had to enter the building carrying a bunch of crap AND an open laptop. Good thing this sucker is small.
We didn't solve the problem, but we semi-worked around it. As always, will be time consuming.
Then I had to haul bootie to Preston Center to meet with Lindsey the PR girl for the book. She's really nice and we talked for a little bit, but as I was getting there I started thinking that I had a headache and that was not good. By the time I left I was worried. Really worried.
Sadly, no time yet. I was supposed to meet Diane P. (the lady scheduling everything for the book) at the high school with my box of info on what needs to be done re: whom which I had forgotten. So, got to the high school. Met with her. Told her I would bring the box to her at home tonight.
Got home, grabbed the hellion, tossed her in the car (after she got out of her collar and was running around the street proud of herself for being free. grrrrr.). Got to Park Cities Obedience to drop her off. At this point, I'm barely hanging on. I'm in the place where I am constantly trying to spot the "barf" spot. OK, if I get sick right now, I can, turn to that small sink . . . not a fun game, but important. So, I dropped her off (she didn't care by the way, hardly even looked at me she was so excited to see the other dogs.)
Got home, took sleeping pills because I eyeballed my headache pills and thought, there are not enought to use now. Woke up several hours later, still had massive headache. Took 4 ibprofen. Did no good, got up an hour later, caved and took the migraine pills. Headache is almost totally gone, but still groggy.
I got a phone call at 11 that woke me up, but at least I got up long enough to move my last load of laudry over (yes, clothes I'll be wearing on the trip in there.) and to finish working on burning disks.
I need to wash my hair, finish packing, finish burning, pick up my dry cleaning in the am. Get these files to Diane and a couple of other odds and ends, then I'll be ready. ha ha ha. No stress. Really, not a problem.
I'm supposed to be at the airport at noon and the flight leaves at 3:30. I'll try to keep up the blogging so that everyone knows what's going on.
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