Craziest thing ever. I was one of the proctors for the TAKS test today. The room were were in was set up with the chairs divided in 1/2. They all faced the middle so there was an aisle for the teacher to walk down between them all. I started passing test booklets out when I realized all the girls had sat themselves on the left and all of the boys sat themselves on the right.
BBBC continues. I"m hot weighing myself until the end of the second week. Those of you that really know me understand how difficult that is. In moments of true obsession I've been known to weigh myself two and three times a day. Hey, I'm not saying it is right, I'm just noting that I've done it. This shall be a true test of my control. I'm trying to eat six small meals a day. One can't veer from the path too much when eating six times a day.
Eva. Last night, rather than walking to the kitchen to pee as she has graciously done in the past, Eva decide to pee right beside the bed. I had a nice surprise when my foot hit the ground this morning.
Sabrina had a really long walk and she played with Hank for a while yesterday afternoon so she was a delight. Of course, she can't stand to not give me some kind of stress so she disappeared last night. At any rate, I realized I hadn't seen her in a while so I started the search. Looked inside, looked outside. I was getting my shoes on to start canvasing the neighborhood when I looked in the back bedroom. Don't know why, but I did, and sure as snot, there she was.
Since Cat owns the front of the house, he is less than pleased currently since all of the g.s. stuff is in the front with him. His seating options are now quite limited. Speaking of the g.s.
Mother of All Garage Sales. I spent some time on Ebay last night trying to figure out the value of my possessions. A disheartening activity at best. I really need the section that shows all the stuff that has sold and for how much but I couldn't find that. Ann, who has worked many a garge sale is going to help me price stuff. Thank heavens, cause I have no idea. I did manage to find a website that gives advice and tips on how to hold a successful garage sale. The list of stuff is pretty extensive though. Please let me make lots of money. I have things to buy to replace the things that are going ; )
I finally managed to get to the post office and mail Monica's Christmas gifts. I'm slow, but still ahead of her. Fran's I continue to hang on to in hopes that I'll actually get to visit her soon!!
Mom and Dad have been out of town for awhile visiting relatives and attending Mom's class reunion. It's a miracle nothing disasterous has happened. Something tramatic usually does happen when they go out of town.
Yearbook theme week continues. I'm so excited. They have great ideas and I think this group is going to work well together. Two years in a row of good staffs?! Go team.
My senior photo editor has already written a letter to the new photographers, and he is making plans for how to make the year go well.
The Book - Yup, still killing me. Now orchestrating many people. Shawn taking photos and filming, Kevin making appts for Shawn, Barry helping me out by transferring video that I take to DVD, Diane (different lady than my friend) scheduling appts, Sherry, Christine and Ryan doing research and the 70 people that all have to be coordinated to be interviewed etc.
Medicine - weird to have this topic. Pam, is doing really well, but the doctors saw something at some point, so she is going to have to do some more chemo. She needs big prayers. Diane's dad is really sick and he is having surgery soon. A lot of stress and fear of the unknown right now. Pam in Florida is due any day now. They had a really difficult time getting pregnant and staying that way, so I know they are very happy that the newest MacInnes is about to arrive.
I haven't mentioned Scoobie Doo lately, but that is because I'm working hard to avoid the hell out of him. It helps immensely with not being annoyed by him. It would help if he'd stop acting like a total idiot, but this is a much more immediate solution. Of course I'm trying to avoid him and people keep coming to tell me what he is doing. I am ready to get that check for mentoring. This has sucked the life out of me.
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