Thursday, December 7, 2006

The holiday is fast approaching

I have even managed to get my car in the holiday spirit. If you look closely you can see the antlers on each window to go with the very cute button nose.

It is a little difficult to back the car into the driveway because the driveway becomes very narrow where the hows pokes out (apparently making the driveway just move to the left a little was too much). The car is backed up enough for the gate to be able to close.

I haven't gotten to see much of my neighbors lately. The cold has driven everyone inside.

I called the heating company that came out this past Saturday to get them to re-explain why, if the problem is that the heat is leaking into the attic, the front bedroom isn't warmer than the back bedroom. That would make sense right, since the heating system is basically above the front door? The guy tells me that it's because of the steel ducts, but my warranty doesn't cover that. So I call AHS ready to have a hissy. The lady tells me that yes it would be covered. Huh. Then I asked her about getting a second opinion since I believe these guys are idiots. She told me that AHS would pay the service fee for a second company to come out. OK. Things are turning around. However, I am stuck waiting for this company to submit their information to AHS. It'll be interesting to see how long that takes.

Of course what reminds me of that is adding the pictures of the mad scientist Christmas tree. humph. I've added arrows to the close up shot, so that you can see the different types of lights. I don't have any traditional lights. They are bubble lights, snow globes, flicker flame lights and pointy colored lights. A festive tree if I do say so myself.

You probably don't need this many pics of the tree to get the idea, but I was unable to resist.

Not counting today, we have 8 days left of school before break. Hip Hip Horray

I haven't bought a single gift yet. The house is still a disaster. I have a ton of grading to do for my English class, good thing I only have 16 kids!

I think today is the day I'm going to have to break down and grade their TAKS writing they did last week.

Did I mention I'm also in charge of a little thing called the Leadership Lens Newsletter? It's through the district. I've done it for a couple of years. It is only 2 per year. However, last year was totally screwy rabbit, so a spring one wasn't even done. This year I got a call asking me to do it, telling me that I'd actually get paid, but that I'd be in charge of the whole kit and caboodle from writing it to getting it printed. It is hard to get everyone participating in a timely fashion. At any rate, I'm trying to get that sucker out before the holidays.

More later.

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