Sunday, November 26, 2006

Only hours left of holiday time . . .

Survived anotherThanksgiving. This one was fairly benign. The fandam went to Atlanta (everyone but me that is.) I did have Thanksgiving dinner with Jon-David's family, so I wasn't lonely and abandoned, although I would have been ok just getting stuff done at the house all day. My neighbors across the street invited me over for drinks, so I did that for a little while before leaving for my own T day festivities.

I managed to get a lot done as far as cleaning and unpacking. I even got the tree up although no lights or anything are on the tree yet. I am reading one of my many feng shui books. It speaks frequently of getting rid of "things" since I am currently surrounded by "things" with NO room for any of them, forces are aligning as I look around thinking, ok what can I get rid of. This means the mother of all garage sales is growing. I don't know how that is going to work! I may try to sell things on the internet . . .

Today I realized my bed is not in good shape. The wood the slats sit on was coming unnailed. So, I was taking the bed apart, leaning the mattress against the wall, getting the box spring up and against the wall . . . no . . .no. . . into the window. Long string of cuss words. Broke a dang window. Can't wait to see how much that is going to cost. I went to Home Depot to get wood to put in the window . . . saw broken. . . went to another one, score. $2.00 for the wood : ) So, Monday I'll be calling Alamo glass to see what they can do to help me.

If I may pause for a moment for a small gripe. Nothing is easy. I mean I think, can't sleep on my bed tonight, I'll have to sleep on the fold out sofa bed, but I can't do that unless I love the crap out of the way that is in front of it. Can't do that until I create space in the back bedroom for the stuff from the front bedroom. Can't do that until I find more stuff to go out to storage. Can't do that until I rearrange the stuff in storage to make room. Sigh. double sigh.

As it turns out, I have gotten a fair amount of stuff done, but nothing on the Leadership Lens newsletter that I really need to have done by tomorrow.


  1. Once you're all settled, I'm hoping you can borrow a camera and take pix of the feng-shui christmas look. Last I saw we were going with the "esprit de box" decor. ;)

    ....and is the mother-of-all-garage-sales the one that's happening in Lago? I'm thinking of going out there this weekend and putting up a sign that says "Make me an offer". Then spending the day sorting through the crapola while (hopefully) satisfying the interests of a fleet of bargain hunters. Ah, I love to dream. This fantasy ignores the element of mother nature, whose icy winds are visiting from Chicago or other nether regions.

  2. The only problem I'm beginning to have with the mother of all garage sales is the amount of stuff I am getting rid of. Washer, dryer, sofa, fridge, pie safe, armoire. Geeezz it's a lot of stuff!
