Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm raising a 15lb terrorist

It's embarrassing. Either of the other dogs could sit on her, but we are all terrorized but the little rat. She looks pretty cute, doesn't she? She is snuggly, she is quite sweet when she wants to be.... she is also an utter hellion when she is full out barking without giving any indication of what it is she wants. 

Side note, I will say I think Dixie starts growling/barking at Gracie as much as Gracie tries to start stuff with Dixie. Of course Dixie is trying to warn Gracie away. Gracie sees it as a line in the sand she clearly needs to cross to show she is not scared. 

I have been diligently putting them both in their kennels when they start yelling at each other. It's quite tiresome.  They spend a lot of time in their kennels... 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

End of Day 7

First and foremost, I am TIRED people. We have hauled our asses through Italy...and tomorrow at the ass crack of dawn we will be getting up to head to the airport and Paris. But we won't be staying in Paris, oh no. We will be getting on a bus and riding for God knows how long out to the beaches of Dday. As I told the girls, these are not your laying on towels staring at others kind of beaches...these are the sharp jagged how did anyone survive Dday beaches.

I'm sad to be leaving Venice, because I quite love Venice...but I have to admit, I'm starting to think about Mexican food a lot and I really MISS MY DOGS. I kept asking the dog sitter to send photos... I don't know if she thought I was kidding or what... Not kidding. FINALLY she sent me my proof of life photos...
I realize it is hard to tell in these photos...but they miss me terribly. Clearly, broken up over my absence! 

We started realizing we were getting bit by mosquitos or something in Florence...it has continued in Venice. Most unpleasant.

When I get home I have lots of photos I'll be posting with stories..if I can remember them.

I'm having a terrible time tryinig to blog. I can't get pictures to upload for diddly, my eyes are burning all of the time and I am feeling very old...5 days of being coherent left...then on a plane.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tues: 7:20pm

Holy crap am I tired. We traveled Sunday to Monday ... arriving in Rome after noon. The kids were troopers. I took a poll, and only one said she slept at all. The rest of us appeared to be awake for most of the first flight for sure.

I saw Argo, "Aw go fuck yourself" inappropriate but funny.

Bruce Willis hard day to die? very funny... I love a good bang bang shoot em up...

Silver lining playbook...really enjoyed it.

At any rate, we walked, and walked and walked yesterday. By Amsterdam we had a nose bleed, a barfer and a lot of exhastion... by Rome we were just moving... we saw the Coliseum and went to dinner. No one face planted in their pizza. We put that in the win column.

Today we went to the Vatican... loved it as always, but there was no time for the Vatican store which upset me. I like to get a cross each year... call it hedging my bets...

had lunch then I took a group shopping.. .yes, I got a couple of things. Couldn't help myself.

Now sitting at a cafe with Christal...sooooo glad she is the 3rd chaperone... and drining a Vodka Limone Scheppes...LOVE IT.

Dinner not tell after 8pm I may die.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Leaving in a couple of hours

School was out last Friday, but I've been working with next year's editors all week. I think they are pretty well on top of things, so that is good. I've been on the interview committee for the new video tech teacher which has been an interesting endeavor. One of the interviews was honestly one of the longest 45 minute periods of my life. Torture.

I've been sick for over two weeks. I finally caved and went to primacare Thursday evening. Verdict: Bronchitis. Atleast I have some good meds now.

I didn't start laundry until Friday night, and I hadn't packed diddly up to that point either. I spent all of yesterday packing and cleaning. I hardly slept last night and woke at about 5am. I continued cleaning this morning. I think I can say, this house is the cleanest it has ever been. I'm very impressed with myself. Of course if the dog watcher shows up more than 30 minutes after I leave there is NO TELLING how horrify it might be. Damn dogs.

I'll be blogging the trip inappropriately here (haha) and for the parents at perkinshphs.wordpress.com...