Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy, yet boring

Well, I survived the last day of school. We are down to about 200 books to pass out, which might sound like a lot to the uninitiated but is not very many at all.

One of my editors read something to her class 2nd period. It was like everything I learned in kindergarten, but she did it with yearbook. Very cute, made me a little weepy.

Gave my English exam the last exam period on the last day. So annoying. They actually did better than I expected, except for the few that did exactly as I thought they would do. One of them has started emailing me trying to tell me that he turned in a bunch of work that really wasn't turned in. I wonder how far he and his mother will take this. It makes me sad that he is trying to push the lie.

Graduation was last night. The kids mostly behaved (a few beach balls, but nothing major.)

I walked the dogs a couple of hours ago. It was funny. We did ok most of the way, but then they started laying down every time they got to a shady spot. I finally gave up and just started heading home. Wretched monkeys.

I've been working on the book all day (what is new, I know). Down to the little stuff I guess, but my goal remains to have all of the pdf's created tomorrow.

Did I mention that the house is hot? Turns out I suck at working the a/c unit. It was set at 84 or something like that. crikey. I now have it set for lower, but no idea how long it will take to cool down or if it will stay cool. sigh.

Monday I start working with the kids on next year's book. We'll work through Thursday and then I'll leave to head for Europe.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It was been way too long since my last post. Since then, I have delivered all but about 200 yearbooks, final exams have started, my most fabulous friend, Helen Williams, finished proofing the book, and I have started making corrections.

I cleaned the hell out the kitchen and the bathroom, not that the cleanliness will last with the ding dong dogs shedding all over the place, but at least I tried.

I did pack this past weekend because I knew this week was going to be uber busy. Schools almost out. Hooray.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Drinking on the job

So, it is in the news tonight that a substitute in Richardson went to lunch, had a couple of drinks and then showed up for work to sub. A teacher noticed that he was slurring his words and he was taken by the police and booked. He, of course, declares himself innocent. I, of course, think this is why teachers should never leave campus for lunch. Temptation is a dangerous thing. That's all I'm saying.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The book in all its glory

I've had a stupid headache for the last four days. I hardly slept last night because I kept waking up with a headache. Work continues on the real estate book. In the meantime, I thought I would share what the yearbook looks like. It is beautiful. Then I thought it would be nice to see the room chock full of boxes, and then more boxes, and then more boxes. The kids have done a great job of getting everything organized. The spring mags haven't arrived yet, but when they do, we'll stick one in every book. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Save me from the hellion and her little companion

I now have a massive headache and another black eye. I was leaning down to pick something up, and Buddy was leaping to the sofa when we cracked skulls. So, my gift on mother's day is a shiner and a headache. Here, here to parent hood ; )

I headed out with the little monsters on our walk this morning when I realized it is the Swiss Avenue Mother's Day weekend tour. They behaved amazingly well. Of course, it helps that there were lots of people but, thankfully, few dogs.

I have been working on real estate pages today. (Yes, I know, big surprise there.) I'll go through the last of the spreads tomorrow and hopefully Kim can finish proofing. Then I'll print and send everything to Helen, the amazing, to final proof everything.

I still have a few more random spreads to work on, but I think I may actually pull this off. Singing Glory, glory Hallelujah.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Holy Cow Sink Hole?!

I'm watching the news, and there appears to be what can only be referred to as a big *ss sink hole outside of Houston. 900 feet wide and 250 feet deep. Thing is freaking huge. I tried to look it up online to see if there are any good explanations for how that happens, but I have to say there is nothing clear offered up. They pull out the oil and replace it with salt water? but what is the deal? What suddenly causes it to collapse. There are only about 1,000 people in the town, but they must be freaking.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

29 days till Europe

And it is getting crazy around here. Came walking down the hallway and I see toilet paper coming out of the bathroom. Had to include a photo for your enjoyment. Buddy the little shit has a new trick. Actually the two dogs have an even better trick. I walk into the kitchen to discover that they have begun pulling up the linoleum. I might get really upset and say bad dogs but I have pulled up linoleum and there are three freaking layers . . . it's about time that they earned their keep.

In the meantime, Cat woke me up in the middle of the night recently chasing a squeaky toy. Only problem, as I'm popping up, I realize that Cat doesn't have a squeaky toy. He looks pretty shocked when I managed to get the lights on, he lifts a paw, and boom mouse runs out from under his paw. Hides behind the armoire. Doesn't come out all night. Totally freaked me out. Exterminator came out today. They can take care of the mice, but it requires someone else to take care of the squirrels that they are fairly certain I have. And let me tell you, turns out taking care of squirrels is really expensive. Crud.

Then the tree guy came by the house. I have a tree that has to come down, and another that needs to be trimmed. Sigh.

Oh, and work on the real estate book continues. Of course. Night after night.

The spring mag for the yearbook should be done tomorrow. We'll get it back in about a week. The yearbooks themselves should be arriving Friday afternoon. All 326 boxes of 2000 books. (They are so big only 6 fit in a box.) Should be lots of fun to unload the truck this year.

Tomorrow night is the big real estate annual event. So, that should be interesting. I'll try to be better about writing again. TaTaForNow

Sunday, May 4, 2008

32 days till Europe

I say this because my life is now about finishing the book, the school year and then getting my butt to Europe.

Last week was TAKS which totally jacked with my week. On the upside we got the room organized and ready for the yearbooks to arrive. We got proofs on the spring mag, but Lord what a mess. Apparently the editors-in-chief have lost their edge cause there were lots and lots of mistakes.

In the meantime, I got the first five spreads done. (Ok, one is still waiting on Helen to proof, but it is practically done.)

I just sent the next 20 to be proofed. With any luck I'll get those back and turn them around this week while also getting another 20 done. (momentary pause to hyperventilate)

I got to talk to my friend Pam in Florida this weekend. She is pregnant with baby #2!! How much fun is that.

At any rate, I thought I'd take a quick moment before going back to work on the book. No rest for the weary.